Case Study: HS2 / Fusion
Using Microsoft 365 to support collaboration on HS2 for joint engineering venture, Fusion.

What we did
To enable secure, collaborative working for the HS2 Fusion team, Fordway implemented a dedicated Microsoft 365 environment. This central communications platform is scalable and flexible ensuring users always have access to the latest versions of documents and can work from any location. Fordway also provides user support for HS2 through its 24×7 service Desk.

Fusion is a joint venture between three leading construction companies – BAM Nuttall, Morgan Sindall and Ferrovial
Key Stats
Concurrent Users
Downtime reduced by
The Challenge
In November 2016 Fusion was awarded one of the three enabling works contracts for High Speed Two (HS2) to carry out essential preparatory groundworks in the Central area, covering some 100km of the Phase 1 route, before the main construction programme. When the joint venture was established, email for everyone involved in the HS2 project was hosted by one of the partners, Morgan Sindall. This quickly proved problematic as all three organisations needed to access the system. There was no joint infrastructure, making collaboration difficult, and information security was also an important requirement standards for integration was complex.
The Solution
Fordway set up Microsoft 365 services for 130 users. This now provides the central communications platform for the Fusion HS2 team. Since setting up the initial system Fordway has added a further 30 users. Ongoing support is provided by Fordway’s Service Desk, which users can call for any query, from a password problem to a more technical issue. This ensures anyone working in Fusion’s HS2 team can obtain IT support whenever they need it. Fordway also handles the day to day administration of adding and removing users.